Upon completion of the academic activities required within the Study Programme, DAES graduates are given support with a view to identifying Traineeship opportunities within organisations, professional associations, companies, etc. both at national and European level.

Carrying out a Traineeship is a requirement towards the achievement of the University Master qualification, both for the First and for the Second Level master programmes connected to DAES (thanks to a specific agreement with the University of Parma).

In this regard, the European College holds a partnership with the Employment Agency « SEND Sicilia », which promotes Traineeships that are funded through Erasmus Plus Mobility Grants.

This experience is an exceptional opportunity for students to step into the so-called “EU Bubble” and thus to start building their own career paths on the EU scene: indeed it has enabled numerous DAES Graduates to get in direct contact with the Brussels work environment.

In addition, the European College provides support to its students in their active search for Traineeships.

DAES provides students with the necessary tools to pursue careers within sectors such as, to mention but a few:

EU Institutions and Agencies
Policy Officers in fields that are related to the manifold EU policies
European Project Management
NGOs and NPOs
Law Firms and Consultancies
Legal offices within large companies or multinationals



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