Reduced fees for ONAOSI students

Following the renewal of the partnership between the European College of Parma with ONAOSI Foundation, 10 places have been reserved for ONAOSI students to attend the Diploma/University Master in Advanced European Studies (DAES) at a reduced fee (€ 4,000.00 instead of € 5,000.00).

ONAOSI students should see the relevant page in the ONAOSI website:–master-universitario-in-alti-studi-europei 

Scholarships for DAES 2024/2025

The call for applications for scholarships/fee reductions for DAES is now open!

The European College of Parma Foundation is offering the opportunity to apply for scholarships consisting in reductions of the DAES course fees.

The following Scholarships (i.e. reductions on course fees) are made available:

  • 10 Scholarships, consisting in a reduction of € 2000 from the Standard Fees, addressed to citizens of the European Union whose household income (ISEE or equivalent) is lower than € 27000.
  • 10 Scholarships, consisting in a reduction of € 2500 from the Standard Fees, addressed to citizens of Countries which are Candidates to accession to the European Union (i.e. Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Georgia, Moldova, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia, Türkiye and Ukraine), with a household income (ISEE or equivalent) that is lower than € 35000.
  • 5 Scholarships, consisting in a reduction of € 2500 from the Standard Fees, addressed to citizens of Non-EU Countries, with a household income (ISEE or equivalent) that is lower than € 35000.

Download the specific Call for Applications to know all details on terms and conditions for applying!

Apply now: first deadline is 2 August 2024; second (and last) deadline is 2 September 2024.

Scholarships will be awarded until available funds are exhausted.

Contact us for more information