The European College is renewed

The European College of Parma is getting a new dress

Cesare Azzali, President of the European College Foundation.

The European College of Parma, founded at the end of the 1980s, operates in the education of students, officials and managers of the public and private sector, in the field of European issues, and has acquired its own specific dimension, recognized in Italy and Europe, which is characterized by both theoretical and practical training, thanks to the contribution of teachers from both the academic and professional worlds. This has allowed hundreds of young people, trained at the College on European issues, to find professional opportunities both in their own countries and at a European level, in the public and private sectors.

Over the last four decades, Europe has changed, in the geographical dimension, in the competences of the various institutions and in the relationship between states and the European Union.

The European College of Parma has constantly adapted to changes, making continuous updates to the topics covered.

In view of the 2024-2025 academic year, I am pleased to present the new website of the European College. It is not only an aesthetic change, but the site has been adapted to new technologies, so as to better respond to the needs of our visitors, generally young and “digital natives”.

I am particularly pleased to present two new features, a sign of this renewal. The first is a renewed program, which puts students at the center of training, leaving everyone a space for in-depth study according to their interests. In fact, after having followed a series of fundamental courses, students will be able to choose three options, one economic and external actions, one linked to European policies, and finally a multidisciplinary option.

The College will continue to stand out for its teaching, academically practical, certainly challenging but with the conviction of offering its students not only a Master’s Diploma, but in-depth knowledge of European issues.

The second new feature, which I am pleased to present, is the opening of a section of the site dedicated to articles and publications. This section is intended to accommodate short articles or longer texts, to collect contributions from teachers, students and former students.

We think that the possibility of publishing works carried out by students could constitute a stimulus to give greater visibility to their commitment.

A scientific-editorial committee will select the papers for publication.

Finally, the training offer of the European College expands and diversifies, always in the philosophy of disseminating European skills.

Alongside the master’s degree in European Studies, the European College has, over the years, developed a specific strand linked to specialist training, both in person and online, intended for officials and managers of the Public Administration and/or the private sector, with the aim of broaden the body of knowledge and skills on the functioning of the European Union and its policies.

The following new initiatives are also being launched:

  • In-person and online specialization courses on individual aspects of European issues and future international scenarios;
  • Preparation courses for selection tests for European competitions, in person and online.

All this information will be available on the new site, which I hope you will find useful and easy to navigate.

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