Through the DAES (Diploma in Advanced European Studies) course, students can acquire knowledge and skills in relation to the structure and functioning of the European Union and its policies.
DAES is an interdisciplinary and multilingual course which leads to a University Master qualification: to achieve the University Master, students having completed DAES exams carry out a traineeship and write a Thesis on a EU-related topic.
DAES training is both theoretical and practical: the numerous lectures held by top officials from the EU Institutions will give you direct knowledge on how European policies are drawn up and implemented.
Frontal Lectures
Lectiones Magistrales
held by important personalities that are known on the EU scene
Study Visits to Institutions, organizations and companies, in relation to the study programme
Project Works with interactive exercises, group work activities, presentations and debates
Study Trip to Brussels to the European Institutions at the end of the Course
Compulsory attendance is envisaged for lectures and academic activities included in the study programme.
DAES courses are held in two languages: English (main working language during the academic year) and Italian (only for specific courses during the second semester).
DAES students can also attend specific language courses to improve their language skills in English, Italian and French.
These language courses include workshops aiming at integrating the training with terminology related to law, economics and political science.
The Study Programme of the Diploma and University Master in Advanced European Studies (DAES) 2025/2026 encompasses different subject areas.
During the first part of the Course, DAES Students attend the “Core Courses”, which include:
Introductory Courses, Institutional Courses and Specific Courses.
During the second part of the Course, Students will attend their preferred Specialisation paths (“Majors”), to be selected among the three available ones as listed in the boxes below:
Economic Governance and External Action
European Policies
Multidisciplinary Approach
Each Specialisation path includes 100 hours of academic activities (lectures, exercises, project work).
At the beginning of the academic year Students will specify the Specialisation paths they are interested in: Specialisation paths (A, B, C as listed above) will be launched provided a minimum number of requests is received. In the event a Major cannot be launched due to insufficient number of requests, Students having previously selected that option will attend the Multidisciplinary approach path.
Besides Core Courses and Specific Courses, Students can attend optional Supplementary Courses during the academic year: such Courses will be made available if at least 5 Students request to attend them.
The Diploma and University Master in Advanced European Studies (DAES) 2024/2025 is structured along one academic year: the first part is common to all DAES Students, whereas the second part leads to a Specialisation (Major).
Courses and exams are carried out from October to June, as described below.
⇒ Introductory Courses
Law, International Relations, Economics
⇒ Language Courses
English, Italian, French
⇒ Institutional Courses
History of European Integration / Institutional Framework of the EU / EU Legal System / EU Fundamental Rights and Values / Single Market and Fundamental Freedoms
⇒ Specific Courses
⇒ Specific Courses
⇒ Courses belonging to Specialisation paths
(A) Economic Governance and External Action;
(B) EU Policies;
(C) Multidisciplinary Approach.
Study Visit to Brussels
Admission to the Diploma and University Master in Advanced European Studies (DAES) requires at least a Bachelor’s Degree.
In case of candidates obtaining the same overall evaluation, during the selection procedure, priority will be given to those holding a Master’s Degree, or equivalent.
The candidate should prove the following:
good working knowledge of English (at least B1, according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages);
At least basic level of one of the other two DAES working languages (Italian and French).
Copy of University Degree certificate, detailing exams taken and relevant marks;
Curriculum Vitae;
Copy of Identity Card or Passport.
If available, attach copy of “Diploma Supplement” relating to your University Degree(s).
In order to apply within the EARLY BIRD framwwork, the Application Form (including attachments) should be sent, in PDF format, via e-mail, to no later than 31 May 2025. Applications will be assessed on a rolling basis. Candidates are thus encouraged to submit their applications as soon as possible.
Please, attach a single file, containing a scan of the entire Dossier (Form + Attachments), and do not exceed the maximum limit of 5 Megabytes (in total).
Please contact the European College’s offices in case you need assistance with the submission of the application, by writing to
Each applicant will be called for an interview to be carried out online with the aim of ascertaining language skills, general knowledge on current affairs and motivation of each applicant.
The Faculty of DAES includes top officials from European Institutions, university professors and academics as well as experts in European affairs.
Adjunct Professor of “Comparative History of Government” Department of Political and Social Sciences, University of Pavia.
Europe and Geopolitics
Associate Professor of “Political Science”, Department of Law, Politics and International Studies, University of Parma.
Introductory Course on International Relations: Foundations and Concepts
Deputy Executive Secretary, Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC).
Relations with other Areas: Latin America and China
Director of the “European Affairs” Programme, Egmont Institute; former Director at DG “Justice and Home Affairs”, European Commission.
EU Policy on Immigration and Humanitarian Aid and the Role of Frontex
Head of Division, Secretariat General of the European External Action Service (EEAS).
Foreign, Security and Defence Policy of the European Union and EU-US Relations
Senior Expert, DG “Trade” – European Commission.
EU Trade Policy
Former Director General of DG “International Cooperation and Development” – European Commission; Former Director General of DG “Home Affairs” – European Commission.
European Development Cooperation Policy and EU-Africa Relations
Former Director of the OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development) Development Centre.
The Impact of OECD on European Policies
Ambassador; Adjunct Professor of “European Policies for Science and Innovation”, Department of Pharmacy – University of Naples “Federico II”.
Enlargement and Neighbourhood Policies
Full Professor of “International Law”, Department of Political Science – “Luiss Guido Carli” University (Rome).
International Organizations and Relations with the European Union
Former Secretary General at the European Committee of the Regions; Visiting Professor, College of Europe (Bruges).
EU Relations with other Areas: Latin America and China
Professor of “Economics and Finance”; former Senior Investment Professional at the OPEC Fund for International Development.
Investment Management in an International Finance Institution
Sustainability Research Manager, Luxembourg Stock Exchange.
The EU Sustainable Finance Package and the Role of Capital Markets: Green Bonds as Example
Full Professor of “Economics”, Department of Law, Politics and International Studies – University of Parma.
Introductory Course on Economics: Foundations and Concepts
Head of Unit, European Investment Bank (EIB).
European Investment Bank (EIB) and Support of EU Policies
Associate Professor of “Political Economics”, Department of Economics and Management – University of Parma.
The Economics of European Integration
Lawyer; Head of Unit “International Regulation Division”, Bank of Italy.
EU Economic, Monetary and Banking Union
Deputy Department Director, Observatoire Français des Conjonctures Economiques (OFCE) – “Sciences Po” (Paris).
EU: Economic Crisis and Reforms
Senior EU Public Affairs Manager, Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS).
EU Competition Law and State Aid
Full Professor of “Public Finance”, Department of Law, Politics and International Studies – University of Parma.
Public Finance
Former Full Professor of “Monetary Economics”, Department of Economics and Management – University of Parma.
EU Monetary Policy
General Counsel, Single Resolution Board (SRB).
EU Economic, Monetary and Banking Union
Director General, Legal Services, European Central Bank; Honorary Professor of Law, “Goethe” University (Frankfurt).
EU Economic, Monetary and Banking Union
President, European College of Parma Foundation; Director, Parma Entrepreneurs Association.
EU Environmental Protection Policy
Former Minister Counsellor of the EU Delegation to Thailand; former Officer at the European Commission.
EU Food Safety Policy
Former Director General of DG “Environment”, European Commission.
EU Environmental Protection Policy
Lawyer; former Adjunct Professor of “Corporate Law of Social Services”, Department of Law, Politics and International Studies – University of Parma.
The European Protection of Designations of Origin and Geographical Indications
Director, Green Deal and Digiatl Agenda, “International Partnerships” DG, European Commission.
Digital Transition and the Green Deal: Implications, Policies and Enforcement
Full Professor of “Public Comparative Law”, Department of Law, Politics and International Studies – University of Parma.
Novel Foods
Senior Policy Coordinator, European Food Safety Authority (EFSA).
EU Food Safety Policy
Former Director General, “Health and Consumers” DG, European Commission.
EU Health Policy
Former Legal Adviser at the Legal Service of the European Commission.
Protection of Financial Interests: The Role of the CoA and of the CJ
Research Fellow in “International Law”, Department of Law, Politics and International Studies – University of Parma.
EU Fundamental Rights and Values
Research Fellow in “European Union Law”, Department of Italian and Supranational Public Law – University of Milan.
The Jurisprudence of the Court of Justice
Deputy Executive Director, European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO).
EU Law on Intellectual Property and Trademark Protection
Policy Assistant, DG “Taxation and Customs Union”, European Commission.
Data Protection, Lobbying and Transparency
Academic Assistant, European College of Parma Foundation; PhD Student in “Agro-Food System”, Catholic University of the Sacred Heart.
Introductory Course on Law: Foundations and Concepts
Former Vice-President of the Institute for Relations between Italy and Africa, Latin America, and Middle East Countries (IPALMO).
International Contract Law
Former Director of the Legal Service, Council of the European Union; former Visiting Professor at the College of Europe (Bruges).
The Legislative Governance
Lawyer; University Professor, expert in “Extradition and Criminal Justice”; Founder and Director of “EFLIT” Courses.
The European Arrest Warrant
Deputy Director General, DG “Competition” – European Commission; Visiting Professor, College of Europe (Bruges).
EU Fundamental Rights and Values / EU Competition Law and State Aid.
Visiting Professor, College of Europe (Bruges); Coordinator, École Nationale d’Administration (ENA); former Director at the European Parliament.
EU Budget and Own Resources
Legal Service, European Commission.
EU Single Market and Fundamental Freedoms
DG “Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion” – European Commission.
Cohesion Policy
Lawyer, former Full Professor of “Community Law” at the University of Parma.
Common Agricultural Policy
Project Manager; Vice-President and Co-founder, InEuropa Srl.
Funds and EU Projects
Former Head of Unit of the “Information Office”, European Parliament (Ireland); former Head of Unit of the Committe on “Environment, Public Health and Food Safety”, European Parliament.
EU Single Market and Fundamental Freedoms
Full Professor of “Industrial Economics”, Department of Economics and Management – University of Parma
EU Industrial and SMEs Policy
Lawyer; former Academic Assistant at the Institute of Criminal Law – University of Parma.
European Funds in Practice
Visiting Fellow, European University Institute (EUI); former Director at the European Commission.
EU Social Policy
Assistant Professor, Department of Law and Markets, Erasmus University Rotterdam.
Common Agricultural Policy
Head of Unit, “Territorial Development”, JRC, European Commission.
Cohesion Policy
Head of Service, Next Generation EU Monitoring Service, Directorate Members’ Research Service, Secretariat-General of the European Parliament
Next Generation EU, a Major Innovation in EU Finances
Visiting Professor, Physics Department – University of Chicago; former Director of the “Laboratory for High Energy Physics” – University of Bern.
ChatGPT and Friends: New Training and Job Opportunities / “Hard Science” Seminar
Policy Officer, Industrial R&I and Investment Agendas (E1) – European Commission.
EU Innovation Policy
Head of Unit “Satellite Navigation”, DG “Defence Industry and Space”, European Commission.
“Hard Science” Seminar
Full Professor of “Business Economics”, Department of Economics and Management – University of Parma.
Accountability of European Policies
Project Lead, “Green Deal Ukraina” Project – Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin.
EU Energy Policy
Associate Professor of “Organic Chemistry”, Department of Molecular Medicine and Medical Biotechnology – University of Naples “Federico II”.
“Hard Science” Seminar
Adviser, European Commission; former Director General of DG “Mobility and Transport”, European Commission.
EU Transport Policy
Lawyer; Expert in Economic Law and European Union Policies.
Public Procurement and Implementation of the NRRP
Head of Unit, DG “Mobility and Transport”, European Commission.
EU Transport Policy
CEO and Confounder, Avaus Italy; former Junior Partner at McKinsey & Company.
ChatGPT and Friends: New Training and Job Opportunities
Senior Auditor, II Section “Investments promoting Cohesion, Growth and Inclusion” – European Court of Auditors.
Accountability of European Policies
Scientific Director, European College of Parma Foundation; Former Director at the European Parliament.
Informal Talks on the European Union
Ambassador; former Diplomatic Counsellor of the Italian President Giorgio Napolitano.
The Member States in Europe: Perm Rep and Coreper
Officer, Financial Service (Investments and Financing), Municipality of Reggio Emilia
European Identity
Member of the European Parliament; former Undersecretary of State to the Presidency of the Council of Ministers in charge for European Affairs.
The Impact of Elections on the European Political Scenario
Former Head of Unit, Institutional Committee, European Parliament.
EU Institutional Framework
Member of the Legal Service, Council of the European Union.
The Functioning of the Council
Director, Historical Archives of the European Union (HAEU) – European University Institute (EUI).
History of European Integration and Documentary Sources
Head of Office, EU Agencies Network.
EU Agencies
Diplomat; former Belgian Ambassador to the United States.
Diplomacy and Negotiating Skills
During the second phase of the Diploma and Master in Advanced European Studies, DAES graduates can achieve a University Master qualification (Professional Master Programme).
For this purpose, DAES students enrol with the University of Parma during the month of November/December indicatively.
Students who hold a Laurea Magistrale (5-year degree or 3+2 degree) or equivalent university degree can enrol in the Master universitario di II livello in Studi Europei / European Studies (68 ECTS).
Students who hold a Bachelor’s Degree or equivalent university degree can enrol in the Master universitario di I livello in Politiche Comunitarie / European Policies (65 ECTS).
More information on the Italian University system available here:
In order to obtain the “Master universitario” with the University of Parma, DAES graduates carry out an internship, and write and defend a thesis on a European topic under the supervision of one of the College Professors.
The defence of the thesis must take place within the same academic year of enrolment. For example, in the case of DAES 2023/2024, defence of thesis will take place no later than March/April 2025 (last session), according to the deadlines that will be set by the University.
Check here for more info on University Masters: