Webinar di Presentazione del Master di I livello in Management dei Finanziamenti Europei per la Pubblica Amministrazione: Un’opportunità per i professionisti del settore pubblico

Il mondo della Pubblica Amministrazione sta vivendo un periodo di cambiamento e trasformazione, e la gestione dei finanziamenti europei gioca un ruolo sempre più cruciale per la crescita e l’innovazione delle istituzioni pubbliche. Per rispondere a queste sfide, il nostro Master di I livello in Management dei finanziamenti europei per la Pubblica Amministrazione offre una formazione avanzata, mirata a fornire gli strumenti necessari per gestire e ottimizzare l’uso dei fondi europei in ambito pubblico.

Per presentare il programma, mercoledì 12 febbraio 2025 si terrà un Webinar di presentazione del Master, aperto a tutti gli interessati a intraprendere o rafforzare una carriera nel campo del management pubblico. L’evento sarà un’occasione per scoprire in dettaglio il piano didattico del master, le opportunità offerte dal programma e i benefici di una formazione altamente qualificata, pensata per rispondere alle crescenti esigenze della Pubblica Amministrazione in relazione alla gestione dei finanziamenti europei.

Cosa aspettarsi dal Webinar

Il webinar sarà condotto da esperti del settore, che illustreranno non solo il contenuto del corso, ma anche le opportunità professionali legate a questa formazione. Tra i temi trattati:

  • Il programma del Master: Un percorso completo che esplora i fondi europei, le modalità di accesso e gestione, e le best practices per rendicontare i finanziamenti in modo efficiente.
  • Le competenze richieste e acquisibili: Come prepararsi per ruoli di responsabilità nella gestione dei finanziamenti e sviluppare competenze pratiche per affrontare le sfide quotidiane della Pubblica Amministrazione.
  • Il corpo docente: Una panoramica sui docenti e le esperienze pratiche che porteranno in aula, rendendo il master altamente orientato alla realtà operativa.
  • Opportunità di networking: Come il programma apre porte verso collaborazioni e possibilità di crescita all’interno della Pubblica Amministrazione e nel settore privato.

Un percorso pensato per il futuro della Pubblica Amministrazione

Il Master si rivolge a professionisti che desiderano acquisire competenze specifiche per operare con successo nella gestione dei finanziamenti europei, ma anche a coloro che sono già attivi nel settore pubblico e vogliono specializzarsi in questa area fondamentale per lo sviluppo di progetti innovativi. La formazione permetterà di affrontare con maggiore consapevolezza la complessità della gestione finanziaria in un contesto europeo sempre più interconnesso.

Se vuoi essere parte del cambiamento e acquisire competenze strategiche per contribuire alla crescita della Pubblica Amministrazione, non perdere questa occasione di scoprire come il Master di I livello in Management dei finanziamenti europei per la Pubblica Amministrazione può fare la differenza nella tua carriera.

Dettagli dell’evento:

  • Data: 12 febbraio 2025
  • Orario: 17:30 – 18:30
  • Modalità: Online (Accesso gratuito previa registrazione al seguente link)

Registrati oggi stesso e scopri come questo master può aprire nuove opportunità professionali nella gestione dei fondi europei!

Per maggiori informazioni sul Master clicca qui

Per registrarsi all’evento: https://events.teams.microsoft.com/event/d48b0516-f60e-416b-aad7-e6f73e7c60a9@0643d616-8ab5-4db2-9664-62be1b30c46a

Webinar di Presentazione del Master di II livello in Management degli Enti Locali: Un’opportunità per i professionisti del settore pubblico

La gestione degli enti locali è un campo in continua evoluzione, che richiede competenze specifiche per affrontare le sfide complesse di una Pubblica Amministrazione sempre più interconnessa e innovativa. Per rispondere a queste esigenze, il Master di II livello in Management degli Enti Locali offre un percorso formativo avanzato, mirato a preparare i professionisti del settore pubblico a gestire e ottimizzare le risorse degli enti locali in modo efficace ed efficiente.

Il Webinar di presentazione del Master, che si terrà martedì 11 febbraio 2025, sarà un’occasione imperdibile per conoscere tutti i dettagli di questo programma esclusivo. Durante l’evento online, esploreremo il contenuto del master, le sue finalità e le modalità didattiche, offrendo una panoramica completa delle opportunità di crescita professionale che il percorso formativo può offrire.

Cosa aspettarsi dal Webinar

Il webinar rappresenta un’opportunità unica per approfondire i vari aspetti del master e scoprire come questo programma possa contribuire alla tua carriera nel settore pubblico. Alcuni dei temi trattati durante l’evento includeranno:

  • Il programma formativo del Master: Un percorso didattico completo, che affronta tutte le principali tematiche legate alla gestione degli enti locali, dalla pianificazione strategica alla gestione delle risorse, fino all’innovazione e alla digitalizzazione della pubblica amministrazione.
  • Obiettivi e opportunità di crescita professionale: Come questo master può arricchire il tuo profilo professionale, preparandoti per affrontare le sfide moderne nella gestione degli enti locali.
  • Modalità didattiche: Un’esperienza formativa che combina lezioni teoriche, studi di caso e attività pratiche, con una particolare attenzione all’approfondimento delle problematiche reali che si affrontano nelle amministrazioni locali.
  • Il corpo docente: Docenti con esperienza diretta nel settore pubblico, pronti a guidarti attraverso tematiche complesse e a offrirti le competenze necessarie per intraprendere o migliorare la tua carriera nel management pubblico.
  • Collaborazioni con enti e istituzioni: Opportunità di networking con amministrazioni pubbliche, enti locali e professionisti del settore, che arricchiranno il percorso di studio e permetteranno di applicare la teoria alla pratica.

Perché partecipare?

Questo master è pensato per chi vuole intraprendere una carriera nel management pubblico o per chi desidera potenziare le proprie competenze professionali nell’ambito degli enti locali. Grazie al programma formativo avanzato e alle competenze che acquisirai, sarai pronto ad affrontare le sfide di una Pubblica Amministrazione in continuo cambiamento, in grado di gestire in modo strategico e innovativo i processi all’interno degli enti locali.

Non perdere questa occasione di scoprire come il Master di II livello in Management degli Enti Locali possa essere il prossimo passo nella tua carriera.

Dettagli dell’evento:

  • Data: martedì 11 febbraio 2025
  • Orario: 17:30 – 18:30
  • Modalità: Online (Accesso gratuito previa registrazione al seguente link)

Registrati subito e preparati a investire nel tuo futuro professionale con un percorso di alta formazione pensato per rispondere alle sfide moderne della gestione degli enti locali!

Per maggiori informazioni sul master clicca qui 

Per registrarsi all’evento: https://events.teams.microsoft.com/event/9ecf8c17-40b8-4299-9469-fcbede88ec35@0643d616-8ab5-4db2-9664-62be1b30c46a

The American Administration and European Sovereignty

Alfredo De Feo

There are dates in history that have an impact on citizens and public opinion. For example, how can we forget March 2020, when almost simultaneously the world stopped due to a pandemic that reminded the whole world of the fragility of human beings especially in a globalized world; or February 22, 2022, when the aggression against Ukraine by Russia broke a balance of peace putting an end to some basic principles of international law such as respect for the sovereignty of a State with the concrete risk not only of extension of the conflict but also the risk of violations of national sovereignty, through military actions or sophisticated cyber interference. Or again October 7, 2023 when the brutal attacks by Hamas against the Israeli people reopened the never-ending Israel-Palestinian conflict, with its burden of massacres and tensions and the risk of destabilizing the entire region with human and economic consequences that are difficult to calculate.


January 20, 2025 could become a date that will be remembered in the history of European countries. The entrance into the White House of the newly re-elected President Trump risks in fact to the life of us Europeans. Obviously we do not know if and how the electoral proclamations will translate into concrete actions and policies, but even admitting that much evidence does not make proof, there are enough reasons to be concerned. I will limit myself to pointing out three concrete threats to which European countries must be ready to give effective responses.  These threats are: 1) the introduction of duties on European products, 2) global deregulation from the use/abuse of artificial intelligence, social media and customs clearance of cryptocurrencies and 3) the American military disengagement from Europe.


The issue of duties is what could tempt European states to go and negotiate bilaterally with the American administration. A separate negotiation of the individual states would allow them to extract some concessions but the price to pay would be high both in terms of imports and in increasing American influence on national policies in the various countries. European states should defend their sovereignty by trying to prepare a common response to American initiatives, trying to avoid a trade war, harmful for all, and trying to establish a negotiation to reach a global trade agreement, which can only be achieved with the ability to find objectives shared by all states.

In the technology sector, Europe has a large production delay but has been at the forefront in regulating the use of artificial intelligence (AI act) to allow responsible use for the benefit of consumers and for the defence of copyright. At the same time, measures have been adopted to regulate Digital services and the Digital Market. These measures are aimed at limiting the excessive power of digital platforms, such as Amazon, Facebook, TikTok, Google and others. To this must be added the probable pressure exerted by Trump’s powerful advisor, Elon Musk, to formalize and liberalize the market of cryptocurrencies (he is also the owner of one of these). European states have every interest in regulating the sectors of services and the digital market and cryptocurrencies, so as not to be caught unprepared and resist the probable deregulation pressures that will likely come from the new American administration. Only with a strong position will European states be able to protect their citizens and maintain their national sovereignty.

Finally, the problem of security and protection of the European territory from external attacks. The protection guaranteed so far by the American shield within NATO risks disappearing. The United States has long been asking for a greater financial commitment for defence within NATO, requests that have only found a distracted ear from most European governments. The new American administration risks not making any concessions and forcing European states to increase defence spending.

This poses three types of problems: financial, productive and military. The public finances of almost all states do not have, individually, the resources to sustain expenses, which would also raise strong criticism and resistance from public opinion. The solution could be found, on the model put in place in the post Covid period, in the issuance of common European debt to finance a greater European presence in its military defence.

The second problem is of a productive nature: if the European states do not want to continue financing the American arms industries, they must agree to direct production and towards a reduced number of weapon models, and renouncing their claim to national excellence. This is not easy but essential to invest in European industry as recommended in Enrico Letta’s report.

Finally, the military aspect: the simple coordination of initiatives is not enough. A qualitative leap is necessary, creating decision-making structures capable of taking measures to guarantee the security of our countries and the sovereignty of our States.

If Europe will positively take up the challenges that will come from the United States, the date of January 20, 2025 could be remembered as that of the qualitative leap of Europe, otherwise … better not think about it!  

English version edited by Edward Lynch

Published by the Gazzetta di Parma 11/01/2025

Towards the digital euro: what is it and what will it be used for?

Marco Ziliotti

Imagine being able to have a virtual purse, embedded in your smartphone – or computer – or in a card, allowing you to make payments accepted anywhere, without commissions or other costs (neither for you nor for the recipient); which would work even offline, in the most remote mountain retreat or when the internet goes down; which would allow, again without cost, to transfer purchasing power in real time to a family member whose wallet has been stolen while travelling abroad; which, unlike credit transfers, credit and debit cards, is not only, as mentioned above, free of charge, but does not even require a bank account; which, however, if you already have one, can allow you (via a so-called reverse waterfall mechanism) to draw on your existing funds; in short, a means of payment as simple and universal as cash, but which, unlike cash, thanks to its immateriality, can be used without physical transfer and held minimising the risks of fraudulent misappropriation.

In fact, there have been digital wallet systems on the market for years (including the most popular apps PayPal, Google Pay, Apple Pay, Amazon Pay), but first of all, their functioning depends on internet coverage and, moreover, they are instruments managed by private entities, mainly from across the Atlantic, which, among other things, take possession of all the information relating to the transactions carried out.

The digital euro, on the other hand, in the same way as the physical euro, will be a means of payment managed by an authoritative public institution, the ECB, with all the necessary guarantees (including that of having a ‘domestic’ manager, a non-trivial element in times of great geopolitical uncertainty). The legislative project for the establishment of a European CBDC (Central Bank Digital Currency) – similar projects in the US and China are, moreover, at an advanced stage – is contained in the ‘Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on the establishment of the digital euro’, which, after a preparatory phase that began in November 2023, envisages that in a year’s time the Governing Council of the ECB will move on to the operational phase, establishing the detailed methods and timing (rulebook).

The diffusion of the virtual European currency will therefore probably begin in 2026, with the obligation to accept it as a means of payment not only in the twenty countries of the Eurozone, but in all twenty-seven of the EU, with the well-founded expectation that in a short time, in the same way as the physical euro, the digital euro will also be accepted in all – or almost all – countries of the world.

The precise aim of the European authorities is that the digital euro should only be a means of payment and not a reserve of value (i.e. an asset in which to invest one’s wealth). To this end, it is envisaged that sums held in digital euros will not bear any interest and will be subject to strict quantitative limits at the individual level (businesses will only be able to receive it in payment). These constraints will also serve to avoid disintermediation effects and thus displacement of the banking system: bank deposits will continue to be the typical form of reserves of liquid assets.

This nature as a mere means of payment, and not as a potential speculative asset, also highlights how the digital euro is in no way comparable to cryptocurrencies (Bitcoin, Ethereum, Tether, Solana, etc.): these in fact, as is well known, have no guarantee of legal control, but rather systems based on distributed technologies, such as blockchain, and are typically used as forms of speculative investment, which are highly volatile.

The digital euro, on the other hand, will be subject to precise controls by the ECB, which, in accordance with its precise institutional mandate, will therefore have to guarantee its security – first and foremost against cybercrime -, the stability of its value and, no less important, the protection of privacy. The latter is a particularly sensitive issue: the frequent use of cryptocurrencies for illicit purposes suggests that digital currencies, like cash, may also be used for illegal purposes. It will be up to the intelligence of the regulator to find the right balance between fighting financial crime and economic freedom.

Translated with deepl edited by Edward Lynch

The future European Commission

Alfredo De Feo

On 20 November 2024, the political groups in the European Parliament concluded a political agreement which, with reasonable certainty, will allow the new European Commission to take office, as last term,  on 1 December. This vote puts an end to many months in which the European institutions’ attitudes has looked more inward than geopolitical. The election of Trump to the Presidency of the United States has given an acceleration to processes that in the past have been more complex.

For many observers, the behaviour of the leaders of the parliamentary groups appeared to be immature, dictated by concerns that are difficult to understand in the face of global urgencies and challenges, challenges that can only be faced with great unity.

The contrasts between the political groups, beyond identity and national positions, concealed a basic malaise: accepting the shift of the majority from the Europeanism we have known in decades to positions of a Europeanism, marked by a more invasive presence of the States, This new tendency is probably more in tune with the sentiments of a part of public opinion,  which translated into the result in the European elections.

Ursula von der Leyen, immediately grasped this change, proposing to involve the conservative group, or at least part of the group, in the top positions of the Commission, being aware that in the next five years it will not always be able to count on the majority of the People’s Party, Socialists, Liberals and probably Greens but that, probably, she will also need the support of the more moderate right European conservatives. In addition, the appointment of a Vice-President of the Commission issue of the Conservatives should guarantee a more stable majority in the Council, where Italy’s weight is not indifferent. In fact, in the bicameral European architecture, the Commission, for any legislative act, will have to find the support not only of the parliamentary majority but also that of the Member States. The attitude of the President of the Commission denotes lucidity and political realism.

The European Parliament has largely demonstrated in recent years its central role in the institutional balance, it will be able to continue to be central provided that it maintains the ability to compromise even in the face of a Council, whose majority of States probably have a more national vision of Europe.

On the other hand, if we look at the last twenty years, the European decision-making process has become progressively more intergovernmental, reducing the influence of the Commission. The Commission that will have to accompany Europe towards 2030 will certainly be influenced by governments, many of the Commissioners are direct expressions of national governments and it is likely that these will condition the Commission’s choices more than in the past.

However, recent years have shown that the process of European integration can also continue through the intergovernmental method, with decisions taken unanimously, as for instance the Recovery and Resilience Plan financed with the guarantee of the national budgets. Although this type of funding is unlikely to be replicated in the short term, Member States may follow the same method to progress in the European integration. The concrete proof appeared at the informal European Council on 8 November 2024, where the Heads of State and Government invited the Commission to present a horizontal strategy on the deepening of the single market, towards a union of savings and investment and to make urgent progress on the capital markets union.


In addition, States ask to the High Representative and the Commission to present proposals to increase the efficiency of the European defence capability, in particular by appropriately strengthening the defence technological and industrial base.

To conclude, the new Commission will have to strengthen European credibility with proposals that can garner the consensus of all the States if possible, without forgetting that the Treaties provide that some projects can be shared only by a group of States, through the enhanced cooperation as for the Euro, or the Schengen Treaty, , obviously leaving the doors open to others to participate. 


Pubblicato sulla Gazzetta di Parma 23/11/2024

The Single Market and the English Lesson

Alfredo De Feo, Scientific Director of the european college of Parma foundation

For more than four years the United Kingdom has formally left the European Union, and by now everyone recognises that the balance sheet of the divorce is heavily negative. According to figures presented by the UK Budget Office, none of the promises of the referendum promoters have been fulfilled: savings in contributions to the EU, less tax plus trade and fewer migrants. The UK continues to pay its debts to Europe (32 billion), has increased immigration from non-EU countries as a result of the departure of much European labour, putting essential services such as hospitals into crisis, trade with non-EU countries has not lived up to expectations, and the reintroduction of borders has led to the recruitment of a hundred thousand additional civil servants, which has increased public expenditure.

For example, from 2009 to 2016, Europe invested over €6 billion per year in the UK, between the European budget and the European Investment Bank, compared to the €2.4 billion made available by the government in recent years (EIB and UK budget office data, reported by Corriere della sera on 1 July). All this explains why the UK, and its citizens, have become impoverished in the last four years.

The British lesson should induce the European ruling class and public opinion to reflect on the benefits that the intuitions of Delors, Mitterand and Kohl to create the Single Market for people, goods, services and capital brought to Europe. A single market that has been imperfectly realised.

The European Parliament has published a mapping of the cost of non-Europe, i.e. the benefits that a completion of the European market would bring to the economies of member states. The study concludes that a deepening of European integration could increase European GDP by more than €2.8 trillion by 2032.

Awareness of this untapped potential led the European Council to request the preparation of a report on the future of the internal market, a report whose drafting was entrusted to Enrico Letta, former Italian Prime Minister and President of the Delors Institute and Rector of one of Europe’s most prestigious business schools in Madrid.

The report, Much more than a market, defines the context in which European leaders will have to confront themselves, identifying three key factors that must guide the deepening of the EU’s internal market: 1) the commitment to an ecological and digital transition that is economically and socially sustainable; 2) the inescapable prospect of European enlargement; and 3) the need to strengthen the coordination of EU defence policies, a policy that cannot be delegated to our NATO partners.

The Report, submitted to the European Council in April 2024, reviews the areas where the internal market needs to be completed or renewed in order to unleash new potential for the single market, presenting a series of concrete proposals ultimately aimed at improving the lives of citizens and economic operators.

These proposals include the extension of the single market to innovation, research and education, and the creation of a European company law, complementary to national laws with the aim of helping businesses, especially small and medium-sized ones, operating or wishing to exploit European markets.

Some of these proposals were taken up by the next President of the Commission, Ursula von der Leynen, in her investiture speech before the European Parliament and included in the mandate given to individual commissioners. It is therefore to be hoped that the proposals contained in the report will become part of the European political agenda in the coming months. 

In conclusion, the Letta report achieves two objectives: the first is to put the importance of the single market back on the table of European leaders and in front of public opinion, also on the strength of the negative British experience; the second is to contribute to the European political agenda of the coming months.

European policy also needs ambitious goals to regain the trust of public opinion, while being aware of a complex framework: a new Commission, a European Parliament strongly influenced by nationalist tendencies, and an international context dominated by crises that are difficult to solve, such as the conflicts in Ukraine and the Middle East, the continuous migratory flows, but also climate change and the satisfaction of energy needs.

European public opinion needs to rediscover an ideal drive as Delors was able to do in the mid-1980s by launching the single market programme. Free movement in Europe is not just an economic factor but serves to revive and strengthen the sense of belonging of European citizens, as the title of the report says much more than a market, it represents an opportunity for European leaders, which we hope they will not miss.

Traduzione automatica rivista da Edward Lynch

Where does european economic integration stand?

Marco Ziliotti, Administrative Director of the european college of Parma Foundation

For more than thirty years – more than a generation ago,  – in a prevailing area of the European continent, which has in the meantime expanded from twelve to twenty-seven states.

People (Schengen Treaty, 19 June 1990), financial capitals (EEC Directive of 1 July 1990) and goods (European Single Market, 1 January 1993) have circulated without borders. For more than twenty years, payments in twenty of these countries have been settled with a common currency, the Euro.

The economic, social, political and cultural effects of the European integration project (a unique experiment in history, because it was not imposed by a hegemonic state, but by the voluntary cooperation of all the member states) have been, and are, undeniably profound, pervasive and to a large extent irreversible. But the road ahead for Europe, if only from an economic point of view, to truly become a common home, capable of fully exploiting its extraordinary potential, is by no means finished.

As far as the movement of goods is concerned, despite the fact that the single market and the single currency have enormously strengthened the supply chains on a continental, to date the total value of intra-EU trade in goods accounts for little more than a quarter of the total value produced; on the other hand, this interchange is worth 60% among the United States of America,.

In Europe, language barriers, the heterogeneity of the legal value of educational and professional qualifications, and the lack of integration between different pension systems still represent serious obstacles to labour mobility. Although an increasing number of young people, choose to – or are forced to seek job opportunities abroad, on average only three out of every hundred Europeans live and work permanently in a Member State other than their country of birth; in the USA, one in four.

Integration with regard to trade in services is still largely unfinished: for instance, the telecommunication and energy sectors have remained, from the outset, outside the Single Market. Partly as a result of this (as strongly highlighted in Mario Draghi’s recent speech at La Hulpe), the failure of European utilities to exploit economies of scale and the poor interconnection between national networks make the bills of European businesses and households much higher than those of the United States, and not only there.

But the most striking example of potential European competitive advantages that remains unexploited due to persistent fragmentation of rules and institutions is the capital market. On the one hand, the historical capacity of private savings, of households in particular, which in Europe remains at a level more than double than that of American households (the saving rates on disposable income in the EU varies between the member states from 10 to 15 per cent; in the United States, recent historical series show it at between 3 and 5 per cent – except for the peak of ‘forced savings’ during the pandemic). Yet 250 billion euros of financial flows leave Europe every year.

The capitalisation of European stock exchanges remains a sub-multiple not only of the American ones (Nyse and Nasdaq), but also of the Asian ones (Tokyo, Shanghai, Hong Kong, Singapore). The reason is obvious: when an Italian company is listed in Milan, it is in fact accessing predominantly domestic savings (stock market capitalisation of the Piazza Affari stock exchange: 800 billion euros; stock market capitalisation – ‘market cap’ – of the Nyse on Wall Street: 25 billion dollars, of which almost one third are non-American companies).

Once again, the key word in the problem is integration: it is very true that a German saver can buy shares in Italy and vice versa, but this remains a ‘foreign investment’. The Italian and German capital markets are controlled by different supervisory authorities (Consob and BaFin; the European authority ESMA has only coordinating powers); the rules governing the operation of German and Italian companies (company law; crisis and insolvency codes) remain distinct; just as the taxation on business income produced in Italy or Germany, or any other European state, is different, with a variability across Europe – from 9% in Hungary and 12% in Ireland, to 35% in Malta – that is unparalleled among the various US states (with a minimum tax rate of 21% and a maximum of 30%).

Despite the extraordinary progress made, given its democratic rules of governance, Europe is still in limbo. In today’s competitive and geopolitical environment, returning to its original values would be disastrous for its individual member states. All that remains is to move forward, with the utmost determination and with the awareness that the “particular” disadvantages of integration are far outweighed by the advantages of general interest.    

The Future of the European Single Market: Lectio Magistralis by Enrico Letta

Next Friday, October 25, at 11:00 AM, the Conference Room at Palazzo Soragna in Parma will host a significant event aimed at exploring the future prospects of the European Union: a lectio magistralis delivered by Enrico Letta, President of the Jacques Delors Institute. The meeting, aimed at students of the European College, will focus on the central theme “The Future of the European Single Market: Much More than a Market.”

The European Single Market, one of the fundamental pillars of European integration, allows for the free movement of goods, services, people, and capital among member states. However, in a rapidly changing global context, economic, social, and environmental challenges raise questions about the future of this instrument.

The choice of Enrico Letta as the speaker is no coincidence: his deep commitment to European integration and his political and academic experience make him a privileged observer of the dynamics influencing the Single Market. His talk promises to be an important opportunity for critical reflection and dialogue on how the Single Market can evolve to meet contemporary challenges.

At a time when global uncertainties are on the rise, the contributions of thinkers like Letta are crucial for guiding collective reflection on a project of integration that remains vital for the stability and prosperity of the continent.

All students and participants will have the opportunity to engage with a topic of extraordinary relevance, contributing to shaping an inclusive and sustainable European future.

Start of the 22nd Edition of the Diploma in Advanced European Studies (DAES)

The Advanced European Studies master programme (DAES) was officially opened on 14 october 2024, with speeches by Cesare Azzali (President of the European College), Alfredo De Feo (Scientific Director) and Marco Ziliotti (Administrative Director).

The atmosphere was charged with enthusiasm for the start of this new academic journey. New students from diverse backgrounds have embarked on a transformative journey in the field of European Affairs.

The DAES programme is renowned for its rigorous curriculum and high-level faculty, providing students with tools and knowledge to excel in this dynamic sector.

Throughout the academic year, students will participate in a variety of courses, workshops and seminars designed to deepen their understanding of EU institutions and policies, as well as of the multiple challenges which EU is now called to face. Specific emphasis is given to practical experience : students are encouraged to carry out internships and to engage in collaborative projects with various organizations and bodies.

In addition to academic commitments, the DAES community has always offered a vibrant social environment, fostering connections that extend beyond the classroom. Networking events and conferences will further enrich the experience, allowing students to interact with leading experts and practitioners.

By welcoming this new cohort, the European College of Parma Foundation expresses its pledge to continue supporting the academic and professional growth of recent graduates. And it certainly does not mean to stop there.

European Parliament Past present and future

This hybrid event, co-organised by the Historical Archives of the European Union with the European Parliament Former Members Association (FMA), brings together politicians, academics and practitioners to discuss the current political scenario in Brussels in the light of historical trends.

Among the speakers, our Scientific Director, Alfredo De Feo, and two of our professors, Dieter Schlenker and Francis Jacobs.

Here the programme of the event:

To follow the event online you can register at The European Parliament: Past, Present and Future • European University Institute (eui.eu)

Contact us for more information