About Us

European College of Parma Foundation

The European College was founded in 1988 as a Consortium thanks to the Department of Law of the University of Parma. On 1 July 2004 it was turned into the European College of Parma Foundation.

Today, the European College of Parma Foundation is a post-graduate institute specialised in Advanced European Studies, aiming at preparing young graduates from all over the world in the fields of law, economics and policies of the European Union.

The educational path in Advanced European Studies boasts a faculty which includes officials of European and national institutions, university professors and experts in European Affairs.

In addition to the post-graduate study programme aimed at obtaining the Diploma and University Master in Advanced European Studies (DAES), the European College of Parma Foundation has also developed customised training courses in law, economics and European policies for local authorities (Regions, Provinces, Municipalities, etc.), for the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) based in Parma, as well as specialisation courses in European Project Management, seminars on European programmes, as well as training and information activities on European issues.


Cesare Azzali
Simone Baglioni, Stefano Manservisi, Paolo Martelli, Giancarlo Menta, Irene Rizzoli, Andrea Zanlari
Members of the Board of Directors
Corrado Zanichelli, Pier Luigi Marchini,
Board of Auditors


Coordination and General Organisation Area

Training & Scientific Area

Administration and Front Office

Founding Members

Supporting Members

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